Parenting Tips
Parenting Tips
if you want your child to blossom
Rewarding everytime when he does something good is harmful. Internal motivation; turning his unwillingness into willingness is actually required. Train him with love and gentleness so that he does things willingly and joyously.
Faith in creator; faith in parents and gurujans and faith in his inner self is absolutely essential to live a successful life never compare him with anyone; make him hardy; let him play a lot and guide him, train him; help him to stay happy.
Punctuality is very important for him to learn; Do not worry that your children are not listening to you; worry that they are watching you. Be their role model; you are late anywhere always inform there your children are watching this and absorbing it.
Show regards to your child’s uniform; wash and iron it till he is not able to do it himself. Keep his uniform with full concern do not criticize it let him be proud of his uniform as well as the uniform of our helpers in the society.
Learn parenting; as it is an art and you are carving a life you are their God; their creator!
It is very important that you know how to be happy and you both respect each other; as well you respect your core family members from your heart.
Show faith in your child’s goodness. See good points of others and appreciate acknowledge good points of others too do it gently never ever critize your core family members in front of him let his relation stay with all of them with full of trust.
Observe keenly and explore strong points of your child. Be proud of the qualities that he possess. Never link your status in the society with his achievements or failure.
When your child makes mistake; point it out gently show him, what is correct, lovingly; softly. Help him to overcome his mistakes. Earth is a school we all have come here to learn and grow mistakes happen unknowingly do not make an issue out of it.
Nature your child’s social skills; help and guide him to interact with all relatives; friends and guests. Remember he has to interact with people throughout his life so focus on this ability right from the beginning.
Make one rule; never go to sleep without thanking each others efforts made throughout the day. This is magical when the child sees parents thanking each other everyday it fills him with an attitude of gratitude which is absolutely essential to attract abundance in life.
Help you child to maintain a winning posture. Shoulders broad; feet ferm; eyes bright; a warm smile on the face wins everyone’s heart. Show him relatives having an impressive posture. Tell him the benefits of a good winning posture.
Never talk about your child’s teacher with disrespect, the moment child sniffs this disrespect; and parents making fun of the calibre or authority of his teachers or the school; his listening towards his teachers stops; and so does his learning.
Teach your child to be spiritual. Be the role model pray for the well being of all humans; teach him to nurture plants and animals share food and things with underprivileged people in front of him guide him how to increase the power of inner energy.
With smile and patience guide the child to organize his bed every morning let him / her wash his undergarments everyday. Show him how to fold clothes and arrange the wardrobe. It is essential for an organized; harmonious future.
Train the child to close the tap; use of the bucket switching off the light and T.V. properly. It is of utmost importance to respect public property. Never ever bring home anything that belongs to others. Never lie to your child even my mistake. If you cant tell the truth then keep mum; but don’t dare to tell lies to the young mind you will be responsible for his sick mental health later in life.
Train the child to close the tap; use of the bucket switching off the light and T.V. properly. It is of utmost importance to respect public property. Never ever bring home anything that belongs to others. Never lie to your child even my mistake. If you cant tell the truth then keep mum; but don’t dare to tell lies to the young mind you will be responsible for his sick mental health later in life.