5 Asanans Your Kids Should Know

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose is a reclining back-bending asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise. The stretch might promote a

  • sturdy back
  • abs
  • strength
  • Dhanurasana

Lie flat on your tummy with your arms alongside your body, your palms up. Bend your knees, flex your feet, take a deep inhale, lift your chest, and look forward. Then reach your arms back towards your toes and grab your ankles.   Ensure that your knees remain hip width apart while you are in the pose. 


  • Stretches the chest, shoulders, arms, abdomen, and thighs.
  • Strengthens the back and leg muscles.
  • Improves posture.
  • Aids digestion.
  • Helps to invigorate the body.
  • Halasana

Lie down on the floor while hugging your knees into your chest. Bring your arms along your sides, with your palms pressing down into the floor. Exhale and reach your legs over your head, until your toes are close to the ground behind your head. You should look as though you are in a seated Forward Bend β€” only upside down.

BENEFITS Plow Pose is a fantastic stretch for the entire backside, including the hamstrings. Reminder: Never turn your head to the side in this pose β€” always look straight up.

  • Ashvasanchalanasana

In yoga practice, the equestrian pose, or ashwa sanchalanasana, is a balancing posture that teaches the practitioner how to align opposing forces to create stability. The name comes from Sanskrit, and translates literally as horse (ashva) stepping movement (sanchalana) seat (asana). Western practitioners may also refer to it as the low lunge or horse-riding pose.

  • Shirshasana

Shirshasana, also known as headstand, is the yoga pose where you stand inverted on the top of your head. This asana has the capacity to improve your physical and mental health and well-being immensely. Due to its many benefits, it is one of the main poses in Hatha Yoga and is also referred to as β€œThe King of Asanas.” Its physiological impacts can be felt in the whole body.