Chores or no Chores – A guide for effective parenting

In the modern and ever-changing world, parents can never have it all. It has now become even more important for parents to impart the skills that will help them with being responsible citizens of this connected world. And as is always said, the real teaching begins at home.

With the ongoing trends in parenting, there is a pool of information available on every aspect of parenting. Be it teaching, extra-curricular activities, or skill development, parents believe that they should provide the best of everything available to their kids. But these resources can turn out to be overwhelming at times. It has been proven again and again that no matter the number of expensive and interactive toys and games owned by the child, real-life lessons are always learned by throwing in some elbow grease. Thus, here is a list of some of the household chores for the kids to learn and a number of skills that are sure to help them sail through life.

  • Lessons in Responsibility:– It is rightly said that cleanliness is next to godliness. And what better way to teach responsibility to a child other than cleaning up after playtime? Small tasks like cleaning up fruits and veggies or separating the colors from whites are likely to give the child a feeling sense of participation and responsibility.
  • Lessons in Organisation:- It might sound like a difficult task but teaching your kids organizational skills from a very early stage in life is going to help them in the long run. Teaching them simple tasks such as sorting groceries, utensils and clothes can also help them sharpen their mental potential.
  • Lessons in Planning:- The ability to plan things out is an underrated skill that no one seems to talk about. This is amongst the most important life skills that children can learn starting right at home. Creating meal plans alongside parents, and helping in planning for feasts, and occasional celebrations on can help them learn the importance of planning in life. Tasks like this can help them feel competent and responsible as they can actually be the little hero that the family “needs”.
  • Lessons in Soft skills:– The importance of empathy and the power of compassion are other sets of skills that are very underrated and not generally paid attention to. After all, a human must possess humane qualities. But it is generally assumed that these are innate “skills” that can’t be learned which is a myth. Just like any other skills, these can be learned. Involving them in the daily errands at home is sure to help them understand what family is all about and turn them into caring and involved family members.

As Parenting expert Jim Fay, co-founder of the Love and Logic website, says we all need to feel needed and to know that we’re making a contribution — even kids. “But they can’t feel that way if they don’t have chores and make contributions to the family,” Fay says.

Children are what make family beautiful and it is the responsibility of the parents to help them get a sense of belonging involving them in chores is a great way way to raise responsible, compassionate, and confident adults which are sure to achieve new heights in their lives.