5 easy and most effective ways to reduce stress in our daily life

Whether it’s children, adults, or the elderly stress is a very familiar feeling that everyone experiences differently. Especially when it comes to mothers, working professionals, or housewives it affects the family as a whole.

Upon asking the parents, especially mothers, we got to know common but rather surprising ways to counter stress in daily life, like dancing, cooking, gardening, or spending quality time talking to the kids about their day.

Apart from these, having consistency in daily life can help reduce stress. Taking out a little time for yourself every day can encourage your brain to get into a Zen-like balance thus helping to reduce the impact of stress in day-to-day life.

Here are some easy-to-follow techniques that you can easily adopt into your busy life schedule and fight stress like a pro.

  • Physical Exercise – It is scientifically proven that physical exercises are very effective in increasing blood circulation thus resulting in an increase in the production of Endorphins or the “feel-good” hormones in your body. As a beginner getting into Zumba, Yoga, Running, or Aerobics for just 30 minutes a day is a very great way to start.
  • Breathing Exercise – The core of our existence is breathing; if we pay attention to it even for 5 minutes and practice some conscious breathing exercises, it can do wonders for our health. Check out the benefits of breathing exercises here https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/fitness/advantages-of-deep-breathing-exercises/articleshow/19213960.cms
  • Sound Exercise – Similar to breathing exercise it also has a great calming effect on our minds. Apart from the benefits of breathing exercises, sound therapy can help control overthinking and relax our minds and body. Try setting the alarm for 5 minutes and chanting “OM” or lighting a torch or a candle in a dark room and concentrating on the light to increase the impact of sound meditation.
  • Recap Meditation – Going through all the activities of the day with a conscious mind is what recap meditation is all about. This technique includes deep breaths, positive affirmations, and going through the entire day trying to remember small details like the color of the bed sheet or the feeling when leaving home. Consciously remembering the positive as well as negative aspects of the day helps in calming the mind and letting go of stress effectively.

Note- If you are working, do not forget to practice Recap Mediation before going home.

  • Gratitude – Keeping a pet pebble to talk things out with and reminding you of all the good things that happened in the day and being thankful for them is a great way to practice gratitude. Remind yourself “Gratitude is the best attitude”. Alternatively, writing things you are grateful for on a piece of paper to remind yourself of all blessings in your life is a great way to be thankful.

Whether we want it or not stress has become an inevitable part of our life. But if we want, we can manage stress in a very effective way by using the above techniques to improve the quality of our relationships and our lives.

5 Asanans Your Kids Should Know

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose is a reclining back-bending asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise. The stretch might promote a

  • sturdy back
  • abs
  • strength
  • Dhanurasana

Lie flat on your tummy with your arms alongside your body, your palms up. Bend your knees, flex your feet, take a deep inhale, lift your chest, and look forward. Then reach your arms back towards your toes and grab your ankles.   Ensure that your knees remain hip width apart while you are in the pose. 


  • Stretches the chest, shoulders, arms, abdomen, and thighs.
  • Strengthens the back and leg muscles.
  • Improves posture.
  • Aids digestion.
  • Helps to invigorate the body.
  • Halasana

Lie down on the floor while hugging your knees into your chest. Bring your arms along your sides, with your palms pressing down into the floor. Exhale and reach your legs over your head, until your toes are close to the ground behind your head. You should look as though you are in a seated Forward Bend — only upside down.

BENEFITS Plow Pose is a fantastic stretch for the entire backside, including the hamstrings. Reminder: Never turn your head to the side in this pose — always look straight up.

  • Ashvasanchalanasana

In yoga practice, the equestrian pose, or ashwa sanchalanasana, is a balancing posture that teaches the practitioner how to align opposing forces to create stability. The name comes from Sanskrit, and translates literally as horse (ashva) stepping movement (sanchalana) seat (asana). Western practitioners may also refer to it as the low lunge or horse-riding pose.

  • Shirshasana

Shirshasana, also known as headstand, is the yoga pose where you stand inverted on the top of your head. This asana has the capacity to improve your physical and mental health and well-being immensely. Due to its many benefits, it is one of the main poses in Hatha Yoga and is also referred to as “The King of Asanas.” Its physiological impacts can be felt in the whole body.

4 Personalities of Successful People

We can achieve success by believing in ourselves, rather than wondering about other people’s success. We need to be confident and keep ourselves motivated.

Types of personalities of successful people

Who is a Role Model?

Has values; vision mission passion, lead by example; a doer; has integrity, is charismatic, energized, assertive proactive, enterprising reputation, popular; organized; self-sufficient, progressive.

Who is an Inspirer
Energizes people, sets direction, for others; paves the way; creates an inspiring vision; gives clarity; has great communicative skills; is highly interactive; distributes the duties that are well planned; clearly explained to the point; a great motivator. Keeps others aligned.

Who is an Enabler
A person who feels happy to see others succeed; helps people grow; empowers others power to make teams and collaborative relationships, creates synergy; shows how a goal can be achieved by working together.

Who is an Achiever
Consistent regular focus adopts well result oriented right means and methods; keeps each and everyone aware of the result achieved; never repeats mistakes; growth and progress-oriented. excellent relations with customers; armed with Data and facts.

Written By Mrs. Alka Sharma.